
Articles (peer-reviewed)

Westgard-Cruice, W. & Aoyama, Y. (2021) Variegated capitalism, territoriality, and the renewable energy transition: the case of the offshore wind industry in the Northeastern USA. Cambridge Journal of Regions, Economy, and Society, 14(2), p. 235-252,

Book Chapters

Westgard-Cruice, W. (forthcoming, 2025). Brexit, United Kingdom (2016-2020). In J. Funke, W. Ahmed, I. Chatterjee, and S. McCauley (Eds.). Geography in the 21st Century: Defining Moments that Shaped Society. London: Bloomsbury Academic.

Book Reviews

Westgard-Cruice, W. (2023). Review of Mute Compulsion: A Marxist Theory of the Economic Power of Capital, New York: Verso, 2023. Antipode Online.